/Woman Spent 30 Years of Savings to See Titanic Last Year in the Now Lost Titanic Sub
On the left is Renata, who saved for 30 years to see the wreck of the titanic and on the right is the titanic sub.

Woman Spent 30 Years of Savings to See Titanic Last Year in the Now Lost Titanic Sub


Last year, Renata spent 30 years of her savings to see the wreck of the Titanic in the now lost sub which claimed the lives of 5 people, including two Pakistanis.

She told BBC, “when I was a kid, nobody had found it [Titanic]. Nobody knew where it was. And so, I decided that I was going to find it. So, I needed to study Science and Oceanography.”

She continued, “My first week of college they found it. And the dream just crumbled. I switched my career to banking and I started searching for a way to go.”

According to her, she doesn’t have a car, didn’t get married and doesn’t have any children.

She told BBC that she avoided having all  these things because she wanted to go to see the titanic.

Renata was among a group of five passengers who paid up to $250,000 each for their tickets to see the historic ship 12000 feet under water. The titanic sub used to take two hours to reach the wreck.

When Renata finally reached the depths of North Atlantic, a lifelong dream was fulfilled and she couldn’t held back her tears.
