/US Woman Offers Rs 13 Lakh to Anyone Who Can Find Her A Husband

US Woman Offers Rs 13 Lakh to Anyone Who Can Find Her A Husband


A woman in the United States has made a sincere appeal for help because she is fed up with being single and is ready to pay generously anyone who will introduce her to a husband.

According to a New York Post article, Eve Tilley-Coulson, a 35-year-old Los Angeles-based corporate litigation attorney with a sizable following of over 100,000 users, turned to TikTok to locate a life mate.

Ms. Coulson stated in her video that she has already extended this offer to her friends and even her employer, but that she is now making it available to the “general public.”

So here’s the deal, she said, “you introduce me to the man I will marry, and we do get married, I will give you $5,000. It’s not necessary for us to remain married for a long time; we can even get divorced after 20 years.

The duration doesn’t matter. But if you can find me a man who I can walk down the aisle with and say ‘I do,’ then you will receive $5,000 as a token of my gratitude.”

Ms. Coulson acknowledged that she has been without a significant other for around five years and expressed her frustration with the dating landscape.

She has made an effort to meet people in person and online, but she has not had much success in finding a compatible companion.

She ascribed this difficulty to a change in dating behaviour that has occurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, where males are less reluctant to approach women in person and many users of dating apps are not looking for long-term partnerships.

Ms. Coulson considers it to be a wise investment to provide a financial incentive for a husband who has been recommended, fits her requirements, and has a sincere desire for a committed partnership.

Ms. Coulson described the traits she is looking for in her future husband as being a man between the ages of 27 and 40, being at least 5-foot-11 tall, having a sharp and witty “British” sense of humour, and sharing her love for sports, animals, and kids. She also indicated that she was open to the concept of a distant relationship.

“The only physical requirement I have is that he must be tall because I am tall myself,” said Ms. Coulson. I’ve previously dated men who asked me to avoid wearing heels because they were self-conscious about their height, and that made me uncomfortable.

Ms. Coulson joked that she is so desperate for love that she would be willing to “date a rock with charisma,” but she insisted that politics, religion, and ethnicity are not deal breakers for her. But she did say that she would prefer that her future husband abstain from drug use.

Ms. Coulson satisfied the matchmaker that she was sincerely committed to finding a life partner by promising to deliver the $5,000 prize as soon as the marriage certificate is signed.